Water & Natural Resources Economics

Service Overview

Natural resources and the environment are fundamental to local economies and lifestyles throughout the West. Increasing demands and diverse perspectives make natural resource management more challenging than ever. BBC has been working with resource managers to solve difficult resource management problems for over three decades.

BBC works with water utilities, regional and state agencies, and others to help identify water needs, the socioeconomic effects of water projects and transfers, and economically and financially efficient water management options. BBC also works with federal and state land managers to examine the social and economic ramifications from development and regulation of other natural resources, and changes in land management and recreation throughout the Western region, the U.S., and internationally.

Our Expertise


Litigation Support

BBC has an extensive understanding of the legal considerations that an organization has to make when implementing minority- and woman-owned business programs. We have expertise helping clients navigate such legal issues and providing litigation support when necessary. We’ve provided litigation support for several clients, and each time, we’ve helped them successfully defend their programs.


Policy & Research Expertise

BBC’s team of researchers have advanced degrees in public policy, social sciences, and other disciplines related to conducting disparity studies in a manner that meets the highest research, legal, and industry standards. We’ve leveraged that expertise to study business outcomes for minorities, women, and minority- and woman-owned businesses all across the country.


Program Development & Implementation

BBC works with all of our disparity study clients to provide thoughtful recommendations about how to take information from disparity studies to refine or build effective minority- and woman-owned business programs. We’ve helped develop such programs in connection with locally-funded contracting and federally-funded contracting that is subject to the Federal DBE Program.

Our Services

Environmental and Economic Compliance Support

Resource Valuation and Policy Design

Sustainability and Resilience Planning

Decision Support for Public and Private Stakeholders

Litigation and Expert Testimony Services

Data Analytics and Decision Modeling

Project Spotlight

Practice Leaders

Douglas Jeavons
Managing Director
Michael Verdone, Ph.D.
Managing Director

BBC’s team, with decades of experience, delivers unparalleled insights and tailored solutions, positioning them as trusted leaders in driving private sector success.

Meet the team

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