2020 State of Indiana Disparity Study


BBC conducted a disparity study for the State of Virginia related to its implementation of the state’s Minority and Women’s Business Enterprises (M/WBE) Program, which is designed to encourage the participation of minority- and woman-owned businesses in state contracting and to create a fair, competitive, and equitable environment for those businesses. We assessed disparities between the participation and availability of minority- and woman-owned businesses for state and state educational institution contracts and procurements and collected extensive qualitative information about local marketplace conditions for businesses located throughout Indiana. The 2020 disparity study was the third time BBC has conducted a disparity study for the State of Indiana, having previously conducted disparity studies in 2010 and 2015.

Community engagement

Disparity studies

Legal analysis

Policy analysis

Program development

Qualitative research

Quantitative research


Disparity analysis: We observed substantial disparities between the participation and availability of minority- and woman-owned businesses for state agency and state educational institution contracts and procurements. We also observed various barriers in human capital, financial capital, business ownership, and business success for minorities, women, and minority- and woman-owned businesses throughout Indiana.


Program development: BBC provided substantial guidance to the State of Indiana and the Governor’s Commission on Supplier Diversity related to refinements to the M/WBE Program. Most notably, we helped the Governor’s Commission establish new overall aspirational goals for the participation of minority- and woman-owned businesses in state contracts and procurements.